Thursday 15 December 2011

St Nicolas' Day

 December starts in my family with celebrations of Mikolajki, one of the most exciting days for Polish kids (apart from Christmas Eve and the birthdays) and this also happens to be my firstborn's name day! I guess so far he didn't realize fully what was about to happen during the night of 6th December, but this year he went nuts about St Nicolas (that's what we call Santa in Poland) coming and whether he knew what presents to bring etc. For the first time in his life our heavy sleeper woke up in the middle of the night and started searching for Mc Queen's buddy in pitch blackness, failing to notice a little bag at the feet of his bed and suspecting he hadn't actually been such a nice boy recently. Especially towards his little brother.
Before I had my kids I believed that every human being, including the little ones, was different and had different needs. My little boys managed to dissuade me from my misconception. The only way to prevent constant fights and acts of jealousy is to buy them identical toys, clothes, dishes, furniture, sweets and whatever else. So as you can imagine I begin to suffer from very strong deja vu, different objects start to multiply, Lightning Mc Queens are lurking from different corners, I stumble on two identical Roarys at the same time. For Kuba it's even more difficult cause he lives convinced that many other things multiply in our flat quite magically like nail polish or eye shadow...

This year we've decided to make all X-mas tree decorations ourselves and we're busy attaching strings to cones we picked this autumn. I think our X-mas tree will look very different, but it'll be soooo ours!

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